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the tribal knot: A Memoir of Family, Community, and a Century of Change

The Tribal Knot

"Book like no other I've read, The Tribal Knot combines genres to become something entirely new. Memoir, novel, genealogy, biography, survivor's testimony, study of generations of women, love story, catalogue of precious quotidian details, and portrait of Twentieth Century American life, this book takes us where we've all been wanting to go but haven't until now seen how to get there. In this brilliant revitalizing of the oldest narrative we know, Rebecca McClanahan demonstrates how our lives depend on the story of our human family and why we can never get enough of it."

-- David Huddle, Author of The Story of a Million Years and The Writing Habit

A multi-generational memoir based on hundreds of letters and documents spanning more than a century…

Published by Break Away Books 025300859X (paperback)


(also available on Amazon)


A glimpse at artifacts behind Rebecca McClanahan's book The Tribal Knot, A Memoir of Family, Community and a Century of Change.
Published by Indiana University Press. Available from the publisher and

excerpts from npr interview
with Barbara Gray, WVXU Cincinnati
"on the family hair weaving"

"an episode from the book"

"…my life did not begin with my birth …."