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selections from journals

Children Writing Grief

from "The Southern Review"

…the act of writing seemed to order the chaos, to provide a place to house the raw emotion swirling in their heads and hearts...

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Loving Bald Men

from "Brevity"

…The first time I touched a bald man's head I was a grown woman, and I read in the elegant bones of his skull my future for the next few hours at least. Who could refuse such a landscape? Houston, TX.

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winner of the Wood Prize from Poetry

Without the law, there is no brother, and no ceremony to mark the breaking. Christmas Eve from the box packed away last year we uncover the stocking stitched with your name, not knowing what to do with it. ...

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Annual Conference, 8000 Writers Expected

from "River Teeth: A Journal of Nonfiction Narrative"

. . . Once years ago at the Large Planet Bar an Important Writer kept calling me Roberta and after I corrected him four times I knew it was time to go to bed and not with him.

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